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Years of Experience
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Dr. Victor Dib

Master's and PhD in Digestive Surgery


Meet Dr. Victor Dib, a bariatric surgeon with over 30 years of experience in medicine and more than 7,000 successful bariatric surgeries performed. He is a pioneer in laparoscopic surgery in Amazonas (Brazil), a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed through small incisions in the abdomen.

In 2008, Dr. Dib founded the Victor Dib Institute (IVD) to serve obese patients better, offering a holistic and integrated approach by collaborating with medical professionals from various specialties in one location.

Always seeking professional improvement, Dr. Victor Dib completed his residency in General Surgery and specialized in diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy. He underwent intensive training at a bariatric and metabolic surgery center. He earned a Master’s and PhD in surgery and is now invited to give numerous lectures on bariatric surgery in various countries around the world. He has extensive activity in the field of science, promoting multiple publications in scientific journals.

Additionally, Dr. Dib is the current president of an international bariatric surgery course he founded, the Bariatric Channel (, taught in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, which already has over 5,000 participants worldwide. Through this course, he developed an institutional partnership with the renowned University of Campinas (Unicamp – Brazil), enhancing the development of thousands of surgeons seeking to work in the field of obesity and metabolic disease.

With so many notable achievements, Dr. Dib is a highly qualified bariatric surgeon, committed to the health and well-being of his patients, and a leader in his field. If you are looking for a specialist in bariatric surgery, Dr. Victor Dib is the right choice for you.



Sleeve Gástrico

Cirurgia feita por videolaparoscopia, na qual cerca de 80% do estômago é extraído com uma técnica de grampeamento. A capacidade de armazenamento é reduzida para 150 a 250 mililitros.

Bypass Gástrico em y de Roux

É a técnica bariátrica mais praticada no mundo devido à segurança e eficácia. Também é realizada por videolaparoscopia.



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Duodenal switch

Nesta técnica videolaparoscópica, parte do estômago é retirada – semelhante à técnica de Sleeve, no entanto um desvio intestinal é adicionado.

Tratamento de obesidade

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

Existem diversas técnicas cirúrgicas para o tratamento da obesidade e da doença metabólica (diabetes). Todas elas estimulam mecanismos hormonais, neuronais e de flora intestinal (além de outros mecanismos), que levam a perda de peso, melhora do metabolismo e remissão ou cura das doenças associadas (comorbidades). Entratanto, cada uma dessas técnicas apresenta características próprias e peculiaridades, agindo de maneiras distintas. Desta forma, a escolha da técnica mais apropriada deve ser indicada pelo cirurgião bariátrico especialista, em consenso com o paciente, optando-se pelaa melhor conduta, de forma individualizada.

Todas as técnicas operatórias são realizadas por videolaparoscopia (pequenos furinhos) ou pelo método robótico. Ambos os métodos são extremamente seguros e pouco invasivos, proporcionando uma recuperação pós-operatória, extremamente, rápida.


Obesity and Diabetes Treatment Techniques

Primary Surgeries for Obesity (Bariatric) and Diabetes

Sleeve gástrico

Cirurgia feita por videolaparoscopia, na qual cerca de 80% do estômago é extraído com uma técnica de grampeamento. A capacidade de armazenamento é reduzida para 150 a 250 mililitros.

ByPass gástrico

É a técnica bariátrica mais praticada no mundo devido à segurança e eficácia. Também é realizada por videolaparoscopia.


Interposição Ileal Duodenal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

Interposição Ileal Jejunal

Nesta técnica videolaparoscópica, parte do estômago é retirada – semelhante à técnica de Sleeve, no entanto um desvio intestinal é adicionado.

Derivação Biliopancreática com Switch Duodenal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

Gastric Sleeve

Cirurgia feita por videolaparoscopia, na qual cerca de 80% do estômago é extraído com uma técnica de grampeamento. A capacidade de armazenamento é reduzida para 150 a 250 mililitros.

Gastric Bypass

É a técnica bariátrica mais praticada no mundo devido à segurança e eficácia. Também é realizada por videolaparoscopia.


Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

There are several surgical techniques for treating obesity and metabolic disease (diabetes). All of them stimulate hormonal, neuronal, and gut flora mechanisms (among others), leading to weight loss, improved metabolism, and remission or cure of associated diseases (comorbidities). However, each of these techniques has its characteristics and peculiarities, acting in different ways. Therefore, the choice of the most appropriate technique should be recommended by a specialist bariatric surgeon, in consensus with the patient, opting for the best course of action on an individualized basis.

All surgical techniques are performed by laparoscopy (small incisions) or by the robotic method. Both are extremely safe and minimally invasive, providing a very rapid postoperative recovery.

Revisional Surgeries for Obesity and Diabetes

Both obesity and diabetes are chronic, progressive metabolic and inflammatory diseases. Therefore, some patients who have already undergone surgery for the treatment of obesity and/or diabetes may experience progressive recurrence of the disease. But this is not the end of the line! As mentioned earlier, there are different techniques with different effects. A patient who has already undergone surgery and experiences a failure in results after a period can have their technique modified and converted to another one that is more appropriate for the stage of their disease – a more “potent” technique. However, for this to occur, a comprehensive, individualized assessment of the disease and the patient is necessary to ensure that the choice of revisional surgery is as appropriate as possible.

Endoscopic Treatment of Obesity

Intragastric Balloon

É a técnica bariátrica mais praticada no mundo devido à segurança e eficácia. Também é realizada por videolaparoscopia.


Endoscopic Gastroplasty

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

Argon Plasma (revisional endoscopic method)

Nesta técnica videolaparoscópica, parte do estômago é retirada – semelhante à técnica de Sleeve, no entanto um desvio intestinal é adicionado.

Clinical Treatment of Obesity

Multidisciplinary Treatment

É a técnica bariátrica mais praticada no mundo devido à segurança e eficácia. Também é realizada por videolaparoscopia.


Medicinal Treatment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

All modalities of surgical treatment for obesity and diabetes must include multidisciplinary clinical follow-up to achieve better results. This is a holistic approach that involves nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists, physical educators, endocrinologists, and nutritionists, as needed.O objetivo é cuidar do organismo como um todo, buscando melhorar o estilo de vida , a saúde mental e os hábitos alimentares.
The goal is to care for the body as a whole, aiming to improve lifestyle, mental health, and eating habits. In some situations, it is necessary to combine medications with surgical, endoscopic, or clinical treatment to achieve better weight loss and diabetes control results in a more lasting and effective manner.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique eleifend nisl, in tempus sapien tempus ornare. Fusce orci elit, tristique id nulla vitae, hendrerit tempus risus. Suspendisse libero dolor, condimentum non felis i

Dr. Victor Dib answers

When should you see a digestive surgeon?

Principais motivos




Bioimpedance is an exam that quickly and accurately assesses body composition using an imperceptible electrical current.

Esophageal pH Monitoring

An exam is used to diagnose and quantify gastroesophageal and/or pharyngeal reflux, acidic or alkaline, as well as to relate the exam results to the reflux symptoms presented by patients.


An endoscopic exam is performed with a narrow, flexible tube that allows for an enlarged view of the entire large intestine and part of the small intestine through a high-resolution monitor.

Upper Digestive Endoscopy

An exam is performed with a narrow, flexible tube that allows for an enlarged view of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum through a high-resolution monitor.

Esophageal Impedance-pH Monitoring

Esophageal impedance-pH monitoring is an exam that allows the physician to assess the reflux (return) of acidic and non-acidic material from the stomach into the esophagus, monitoring the patient for approximately 24 hours using a thin probe placed in one of the nostrils, connected to a portable computer (recorder).

High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry

Also known as high-resolution esophageal manometry, it aims to study the motor function (motility) of the entire esophagus by inserting a thin silicone catheter into the esophagus through the nose, after applying the anesthetic gel, without the need for sedation.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

An endoscopic exam that investigates the anus, rectum, and the final portion of the large intestine. It can be supplemented with biopsies, material culture, and cytology when necessary.


Andrea Camara
Andrea Camara
Leia mais
I have always been very well taken care of by the entire team, especially by Dr. Dib, who is highly competent and has achieved his position through merit.
Luciana Freire
Luciana Freire
Leia mais
Excellent medical team, psychology, nutrition, physiotherapy, and bioimpedance services.
Brendo Marinho
Brendo Marinho
Leia mais
Great service, extremely capable and qualified professionals.
Carla Almeida
Carla Almeida
Leia mais
The best, hands down. Always very well taken care of. I highly recommend Dr. Victor Dib.
Surgeries Performed
+ 0 K
Return Rate
+ 0 %
Taxa de Satisfação
+ 0 %





Surgical Team of the Victor Dib Institute.

Dr. Victor Dib

Dr. Victor Dib – CRM/AM: 2205

Cirurgião Bariátrico (Chefe da Equipe Cirúrgica) Endoscopista

Dr. Adriano Pessoa

Dr. Adriano Pessoa – CRM/AM: 6197

Cirurgião Bariátrico

Dra. Gisela Chaves

Dra. Gisela Chaves – CRM/AM: 4569


Endoscopy Medical Team of the Victor Dib Institute.

Dr. Alejandro Luis Bastos Voronaya

Dr. Alejandro Luis Bastos Voronaya - CRM: 0000


Multidisciplinary Team of the Victor Dib Institute.

Dra Danielle Magaldi Dib

Dra Danielle Magaldi Dib - CRP/AM: 02580

Psicóloga e Coordenadora da Equipe Multidisciplinar

Dra. Valcineide Garcia

Dra. Valcineide Garcia – CRP/AM: 1284


Dra. Marcella Moraes

Dra. Marcella Moraes - CRN/AM: 12853


Dra. Celme Barroncas

Dra. Celme Barroncas – CRN/AM: 1118


Dra. Michelle Ferreira

Dra. Michelle Ferreira: CREFITO 96896 F


Nursing Team of the Victor Dib Institute.

Edila Rufino

Edila Rufino – COREN/AM: 465805


Eida Fernandes Canto

Eida Fernandes Canto – COREN/AM: 523.355


Equipe Administrativa do Instituto Victor Dib.

Frederico Dib

Frederico Dib

Diretor Geral

Marinete Simplício

Marinete Simplício

Coordenadora do Núcleo de Cirurgia Bariátrica

Clarêncio Magaldi

Clarêncio Magaldi

Gerente Administrativo

Panmella Lima

Panmella Lima

Gerente Financeira

Bariatric Channel

More than a continuing education course, we are a complete and free online educational platform focused on the scientific dissemination of bariatric and metabolic surgery and endoscopy.

The Bariatric Channel has a collection of lectures, video surgeries, and content that follows a comprehensive and progressive scientific program, covering basic and advanced topics with the most renowned specialists in the field today, ensuring relevance and reliability.


Health Insurance



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Monday to Friday – 7 AM to 7 PM.



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